The "Control" page serves for setting of parameters of AVAST32 program control.
"Exit Avast32 on Esc key" check box defines if it would be possible to close AVAST32 program by pressing ESC key. This is suitable for experienced users who prefer shortcut keys. Not checking this box prevents inexperienced users from involuntary program exit. It is not enabled by default.
Check box "Scroll results" enables automatic scrolling of items in the results list.
By checking box "Don't switch to Results when task is started" the program will not switch Results when the task is started and will stay on task page.
Check box "Use in-place editing to change list items" determines that "in-place" editing can be used. This function allows direct item modification after left mouse button click on chosen item as you now from Windows 95/98 or Windows NT. Otherwise a special dialog will be used the item editing.
By checking box "Enable automatic resize of list columns" program will automatically change the size of list columns depending on the size of program main window to ensure all columns are readable.
Check box "Save position of floating windows" sets that program will save the position of floating windows and on the next program start, windows will be displayed exactly the same as they were displayed on program shutdown.